How to respond to cyberbullying?

Article by CWEP At first let’s remind ourselves, what exactly is cyberbullying? It is the sending, sharing, and commenting negative and hurtful content through social media/text/online forums/chat rooms/email, against individuals. Usually cyberbullying targets individuals who have been bullied for a long time and the perpetrators are often people who know the victims from real life. READ MORE

Facts, facts, fake, facts

Article by CDA Studies show that the spread of false news through social networks is much greater than the spread of true news. We meet much more often with a fake news in the online environment, it can reach 1500 people even six times faster than a real news. Social networks are information spaces where READ MORE

How can we all contribute to combating fake news?

Article by E&D People create and distribute fake news for a variety of reasons, from looking to obtain commercial and political gains to simply wishing to attract attention. Following the Loughborough University’s Online Civic Culture Centre, 42.8% of news sharers engage in sharing inaccurate or fake news. What is the common reason? It is to READ MORE