Social Media Literacy – Understanding and Importance

Article by Inno Hub Nowadays the internet and social media are two omnipresent media that are present in everyone’s professional and personal lives, bringing digital challenges and obstacles, such as excessive customizations of news feeds, search results and information flows, which could result in a severe problem when finding unbiased online information. Social media has READ MORE

Why are people attracted to distorted information?

Article by Alexandra Pambouka, Project Manager at Center for Social Innovation (CSI) I The term “fake news” it’s not sufficient to describe the different types of information disorder.  Information is more than news, it’s an ecosystem; an environment in which individuals and communities interact. In this context we can investigate the break-down elements of the information ecosystem; READ MORE

Cyberbullying – What is it?

Article by CWEP There are many definitions of cyberbullying but one of the simplest is given by UNICEF which states that „cyberbullying is bullying with the use of digital technologies”. It is characterised by repeated behaviour which aims at frightening, embarrassing, discrediting and causing other, unpleasant effects towards those who are targeted. One of the READ MORE